Matt DeLong, a Rosco product manager and much more


Have you ever wondered about how a product goes from an idea in a user's mind or an inventor's imagination to something you can have shipped overnight, anywhere in the world?  Join your host Jason Marin as he and co-host Theresa Unfried of TAJ Event Productions talk with Matt DeLong from Rosco Laboratories.

We discussed product development and manufacturing, how users can influence what products and features manufacturers focus on, safety on stage and on set, and the changes in the business that have resulted from increased investment.

We talked about Rosco, its recent merger with GAM, and how they can help designers and technicians solve problems.  We also discussed atmosphere effects, how they are developed, and what was done to increase reliability on Rosco's new line of them.

In addition, Matt is an independent lighting designer, and we talked about how he fits that in the schedule along with his work at Rosco and his family.