Christopher Robinson: lighting for revolutionary productions
/Our guest Christopher Robinson has a lot going on, or at least did until the business shut down this past March. His position as the associate production electrician on Hamilton has taken him all over the country, he is Leslie Odom Jr’s lighting designer, he creates lighting for music videos and live musical performances, and runs his own gear business: Revolutionary Lighting.
Christopher got a lot farther by working a lot harder – his hustle and drive pushed him to succeed as a designer, programmer, head, and electrician in his native Miami, and it helped him find his way onto Broadway only two months after relocating to New York. We discussed how he got into the business, how he learned so quickly, and what jobs he held in NY before accepting his position on Hamilton. We got to talk about how the installation productions work vs. the touring productions, the transfer to Broadway, and the Puerto Rico benefit. We also discussed his shows at the Kennedy Center and Bowery Ballroom with Leslie Odom Jr, and I Walk With You, the music video he lit during the pandemic shutdown.
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Leslie Odom Jr. at the Bowery Ballroom